PhatLewt is a simple game to "explore the caves of iPhonia Undergroundia" in search of monsters to fight and treasure to pillage (well.. you might find some old, rotten cheese instead of gold, but there is gold there, for sure!!).

Gold is the measure of your achievements in the dungeon. Also if you are lucky enough to find a vendor you can use it to purchase some items (the vendor will also buy some of your spare items).
It is rumored that vendors sell magical "Ankhs" that give you "extra lifes"!

Version 2.0 has several stability fixes for spells and version 2.1 introduces the "Dungeon Lord", a monster residing in the deepest dungeon. Your goal is to slay that monster and be proved a real hero!

Please send any suggestions and/or problems that you might have found to [email protected].

The spells are unknown until the scroll is bought and read.